Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Time Magazine recognizes Hoopdance Revolution!

Wow, it was fun seeing this article about Hoopdance in TIME magazine this week. I particularly related to Christabel Zamour's story about getting into hoopdance. When I first started hoopdancing I was overweight and clumsy. My hoop path has been slow, but steady and now 6 years later I am still LOVING getting my groove on with my hoop. My hoop is the one piece of exercise that I have ever owned that doesn't collect dust in a corner.

Hula Hoops: From Child's Play to Real Exercise

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yoga, Hoopdance and Carfree Celebrations!

So far this week has been a whirlwind of fun opportunities to introduce people back to the Hoop! On Saturday, I had a fun opportunity to work with my colleague Jocelyn Gordon doing a choreographed hoop performance and demo at Glolal Mala, a fun yoga event attended by over 100 people! (After we did 108 sun salutations and whew my hamstrings are still talking to me about it!) This event was really special for me as I just finished my 200-hour Yoga Teacher training and I am eager for opportunities combining these two passions.

On Tuesday, I hosted a hoop jam at CarFree DC a festival held to encourage people to get out of their cars for a day. I have to say this event hit the mark for me as the type of event I want to do more of and I was really grateful for the opportunity! First off, it was for a great cause that I totally believe in, secondly, it exposed hoopdance to a whole new group of people and I was really excited about the openness and enthusiasm shown by adults wearing their work clothes. Third, it once again proved that hoops make every event way more fun!

So far my classes this week have been really fun too and I am feeling very energized towards my mission of getting people moving and hooping!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Solo hooping on a Monday afternoon!

I am feeling grateful that my schedule allowed me today to take advantage of the beautiful sunny day with a solo hoop session at the park by my house. It has been far too long since I had a hoop practice session by myself, just for the joy of hooping. I set my little ipod speakers and went at it. Feeling myself becoming more relexive and graceful with every beat and delighting myself by landing tricks that I have been working on for some time, but haven't practiced for a while. It was a good reminder that while classes and group hoop jams can be fun, solo practice is essential. Feeling blessed to enjoy such a beautiful day with myself.